

Because "Maintenance" is the responsibility of everyone who influences failure behaviour.

Improving failure behavior produces results the very next day. Our approach is very direct. Zoom in on the low – medium – high critical processes and use the right methodology to analyze, record and prevent or minimize that failure behavior.

Rik Plattel
RCM teacher / examiner / coach
European Reliability Centre (ERC) B.V.

DORA is software to make maintenance plans for high-middle and low-critical systems. After a basic training of 3 days, your employees are already able to lay a foundation and improve existing maintenance plans and make new maintenance plans. DORA has been developed for companies that want to improve their maintenance. Maintenance and Reliability engineers continuously measure what the failure behaviour does and adjust their maintenance plans where necessary. This reduces costs and improves quality, safety, availability and reliability.

The software is available in 3 variants: Single User, Multi User and Enterprise.

The Software is used by the production companies to report malfunctions at the click of a mouse. Or DORA is linked to PLC data, which measures OEE and MPE. During the daily production meetings, live analyses and reports are shown. The software can also be used to record, measure and improve knowledge. Root Cause analysis, criticality analyses. DORA is a complete platform to improve your production yields.  Please contact us to discuss this without any obligation. It could well be the beginning of a growth scenario.

More information?

Call or sent us an email.

+31 (0)6 1060 8896


European Reliability Centre (ERC B.V and Viergever PIM work closely together.

RCM training levels

  • RCM workgroup member (RCM Level 1). Finished the basic 3-day training. Able to assist as a workgroup member during RCM analyses.
  • RCM review facilitator (RCM Level 2a). Finished the theoretical training and exam of RCM Level 2. Able to assist RCM facilitators and review the work of facilitators. Are coached by certified RCM facilitators.
  • RCM facilitator (RCM Level 2). Finished the theoretical and practical exams of RCM Level 2. Able to manage multiple RCM workgroups doing RCM analyses and RCM-implementation in own company.
  • RCM teacher (RCM Level 3). Finished Level 3 training and is able to train and coach Level 1, 2a and 2 levels.
  • RCM examiner (RCM Level 4). Highest RCM level. Responsible for implementations, training materials, certifications, examinations


    Creating awareness is one of the many things we do every day. We hope that our articles will contribute to the discussion about Reliability Management.

    Overview articles To LinkedIn

    Tailor-made consultancy

    When improving, you want to grow fast. Experienced consultants help you to keep following the leitmotif.

    • How should I prepare my organisation to implement RCM?
    • Who can assist us developing maintenance plans?
    • Which other methodologies are available to develop maintenance plans?
    • Who can assist us with executing RCM analyses?
    • We need RCM training. We are looking for a trainer.
    • Which RCM Software is available?

    Every company involved in Reliability Management knows that it is not about filling in boxes. Knowledge and experience are needed to manage failure behaviour. ERC has more than 20 years of experience with multiple methodologies based on RCM. We have implemented Reliability Management in all industrial sectors and have learned from changes where mistakes have been made. You can benefit from that. After all, you can’t start where others finish. You do have influence on how you go about the process. Our experienced consultants coach your organisation towards a continuously learning environment that improves every day.

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