Online RCM training

RCM Level 1 training can be ordered any time. The price is € 850.

After having received your payment, we will process your training. Within 48 hours you will receive an email will the login details, so you can start the preparations. The invoice is sent separately.

With the login details you are able to login on

Here you will find more than 30 videos about RCM. There are over 10 quizes and 2 trial exams. Download and read the RCM book. Make notes and try to finish all quizes. You are ready for the exam when your scores for all quizes are at least 80%. When you are ready, we will schedule a Google meet session of 3-4 hours and I will answer all your questions. We will go through all training materials you want and we schedule the final exam when you are ready.

The final exam is 30 questions in 45 minutes and you will be certified when your score is at least 80%.

1x Online RCM L1
€ 850,00

Total 0,00